Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Run United 3 2012

September 16, 2012
Accomplices: John Paul Lipardo, Liezel Hermedilla, Alfie Raposon, Rocel Poblete, Niño Mark Joseph Ili, Jayson Agustin, Jordan Fajardo, Kenneth Paolo Bautista, Wheng Dela Paz, Catherine Mariano, Arriane Custodio
Venue: (Bonifacio Global City to) SM Mall of Asia

The question on last week's post: What is better than running?
The answer last week: Running with friends.

Question for this week: What is better than running with friends?
Answer for this week: Running with friends under the heavy downpour.

It was raining all day since Saturday. Our HyperSports Get Fit Session at Bonifacio Global City that was supposed to be on a Saturday afternoon before Run United 3 got postponed due to the uncooperative weather. More sleep for me on a Saturday.

That long sleep did me wonders. Comparing my performance from my first (Run United 2 2012) and second (HyperSports Get Fit Run 2012) attempts to finish a half marathon, the third attempt was better than the first two. Granted that my time was still similar to the previous finishes, this one was different. The first two finishes were very painful, I was very, very sore the following morning. Not this time. The pain was minimal and tolerable and it could have helped that unlike the first two finishes were completed alone, this time for most of the course, I was running with at least a buddy by my side.

Anyway back to the story, all runners were praying for a more improved weather on race day. That didn't quite happen. 32k runners who began their quest for the third piece of medal at 3:00am can tell that at stages of the run were "unforgiving" due to the heavy downpour and strong winds, same with us 21k runners who began at 4:00am. Well, that didn't stop me and the entire delegation of weekend warriors to finish our respective categories.

It was nice to run under the rain, it was cool and refreshing. The downside, if your camera is not waterproof, it's going to be useless until the weather improves. So much for that, fortunately one of my friend has a waterproof digital camera (which he only brought out on the 17th kilometer, he must be really focused to finish strong on his first attempt of a half-marathon) so good news! I have at least one assured "running in action" picture for the event a a flyover :)

Photo Credit: Alfie Raposon

By the 18th kilometer, I was running alone because I had to make a quick stop at a nearby portalet at the final U-turn for 21k. Enter my two HyperSports training buddies, Catherine Mariano and Arriane Custodio. We were under the impression that we will be finishing the race together, until all 21k runners had to make a right turn towards the finish line at Macapacal Avenue and 32k runners had to go straight and complete another turn at the Mall of Asia Globe. So much for our dramatic finish together, anyway, we agreed to meet later after they finish their run :(

Upon finishing, I hurriedly went to the finisher's area to get my loot bag and finisher shirt, I needed to ensure I got 2XL this time. True enough, as if all things are going for me on that morning, I got my size. And while waiting for my two Hyper Running/Training buddies, I went around the race village. Met Running Atom (seems like we keep on bumping with each other on races see:
HyperSports Get Fit Run 2012 and 36th Milo National Marathon Manila Eliminations) who gladly took a photo of me with my medal :)

I also got to see another HpyerFriend and proud 32k finisher, Victor Cruz enjoying his breakfast at the media tent.

I also got my photos taken with the assistance of running friends Jordan Fajardo, Jayson Agustin and Niño Mark Joseph Ili. Here are some where I am proudly wearing my 21k Finisher's Medal:

After confirmation SMS that the two were done in their 32k run, I had to "harass" them to finish stamping out their "quest papers" from major and minor sponsors to get a free tote bag. Well, we succeeded in doing that with plenty of time to spare. We can now begin to call them "The Tote Bag Girls" Good Job!!!

Got my tote bag too!

We had a quick breakfast after this and did some sightseeing around the mall while waiting for Manila International Book Fair. Here are the rewards for finishing the 21k category of the third leg of this trilogy:

It was a good run at least for me. This is one experience I will remember and will be building motivation moving forward in preparation for my dream marathon next year. Organized races are not perfect, I am just happy that I ran this race with my friends. I will be resting and will be doing an "easy" 5k run on the 23rd of September for Rexona Run 2012. See you on the road guys. Don't stop running :)

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)