Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Monday, March 14, 2011

Meantime Guy

There are four ways by which you can categorize the men in your life.

You have the typical FRIEND, those who pops in and out your life once in a while.

You have the real BEST FRIEND, who treats you like you are the sister he never had, and you can trust that he will never have any romantic interest in you.

The BOYFRIEND... the guy you worship at the moment, then hate the next if ever he breaks your heart. He should be put in the FRIEND category when he becomes your EX.

And for all of the things that a FRIEND, BEST FRIEND and BOYFRIEND can and cannot be, there exists the person you call your MEANTIME GUY. So, who is this Meantime Guy?

The Meantime Guy would be the ultimate clown act for you; he just knows how to tickle your funny bone. He makes you laugh so hard when he senses that you are feeling down and blue. He is the one willing to hear all your troubles and heartaches, and if he can cry for you just to ease the pain you are feeling... he might just will.

He is the guy who will always come at your call when you want to pour your heart out over a recently failed relationship, or curse the guy who cheated on you. He is just there listening, not uttering a word. It is not that he does not want to say anything or is tired already of hearing you sing that same song because it has happened before and you seem not to learn at all. It is just that he is pre-occupied with sadness and thoughts on why someone would dare do such thing to you.

You will know that he is a Meantime Guy because he is a consummate gentleman for you. After all those years, he still never tires of opening the door and pulling out the chair for you. While your Boyfriend on the other hand, has somehow ceased to be one after you said "YES" to him or after a year or two into your relationship, or worse, after you had a couple of rounds of "intimate moments" (you know what I mean *wink *wink) ou cannot expect the same from your Best friend, remember that he will treat you like he treats her sister. And if ever he can still spare a few bucks, he will try to send some flowers on Valentine's Day or your Birthday. Just for you to remember he is still very much around. You may call or send SMS to him to say "Thank You" for the flowers, yet somehow it does not hold that much significance next to the bouquet your boyfriend or current fling has sent you. But strangely enough, the flowers Mr. Meantime Guy sends suddenly become your most prized possession in Earth on those moments you don't have a boyfriend or nobody bothered to send you flowers, just so that other people would think that someone is courting you or there is a silent admirer on the side.

Strange, it has been quite some time since you bothered to check on him the past few months, or worse, a couple of years to find out how he is doing, yet he is more than willing to go see you at your immediate summon. You somehow sense that he sounds like he just won the multi-million lottery whenever you give him a rare phone call. Maybe it is because at that infinitesimal moment he knows he is your Meantime Guy once more.

Just like the Meantime Girl, he too is cool, nice and funny. He may be attractive enough to other people, but not attractive enough for you. For some mysterious reasons, you always see past him, you just don't find him measuring up your idea of a boyfriend. But don't worry, he has very much accepted this fact of life and is quite content of living up his role as your Meantime Guy.

You will never hear your Meantime Guy say that the other men in your life would say:

Like your Boyfriend - "Sorry, I can't see you this weekend my buddies invited me to an all guys night out. I'll just make it up to you, can I get you something instead?"

For your Best friend - "Sorry, not tomorrow or this weekend, I'm going out on a date with this extremely hot chick. Don't be sad, you can come along if you want to, I;m sure she won't mind."

Or your Friend - "Sorry friendship, I don't have time, I'm kind of busy at the moment."

But your Meantime Guy always has the time for you as though he mastered time itself.

He is also the real definition of a Rebound Guy, he catches you at the precise moment before your broken heart touches rock bottom. Then he throws you up, make you feel good about yourself, how better off you will be without your latest EX. That is the same thing a Best Friend does, you might argue but your Best Friend can have the frankness to say "I told you so!", or give you an endless lecture. He is unlike your friends who will HEAR you cry your heart out to them, but never really tried hard to LISTEN.

The Meantime Guy would be that person you have seriously threatened of substituting for the Maid of Honor or one of the bridesmaids in case your girl friends can't make it to the Big Day. Yet, he will be the one helping the wedding coordinator to ensure the event becomes the Dream Wedding you have repeatedly rammed down his ears throughout the years you have been together.

Finally, unlike the Meantime Girl that may someday go away, the Meantime Guy is the opposite. He will never be gone because he has grow to love you. In fact, he may already be deeply in love with you. He will always be there hoping one day you will get to notice him, but he does not really want that to happen. He has raised you so high enough in his pedestal that he knows you'll be better off with somebody else. He will only give up his Meantime Guy role once he feels assured that your "The One" now can take better care of you than he can. At the end, he may be lucky enough to graduate as your "Best Friend" or just your "Friend".

I wish every girl at one point of their life can find her Meantime Guy so they may experience how a lady is supposed to be treated right. He is the next best thing before you settle down with your Mr. Right.

~an anonymous Meantime Guy~
"The hardest part in loving a person for a distance is not being able to hold her hand and embrace her tight and tell her how much you love her, because you are only her Meantime Guy."

Disclaimer: This  entry is a repost. Saw this post while browsing the other day. Credit should go to this person, just wanted to share.

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)