Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Banat for the Day

You know, if somebody had asked me three days ago who the one person in the world I admired most was, I'd have said YOU. But, without really knowing what that meant. Without understanding that the hardest thing about being you is all the things you can't do. All the cries for help that you can't answer and how that quietly tears you apart. But it never stops you. And after living a little of that myself, I realized something... something I never thought was possible. I love you more. More than I ever have and more than I ever thought I could love anyone.

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)