Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

You To Me Are Everything

I got the chance to watch the latest Dingdong-Marian movie (it was shown the first week of May), good thing for someone ripped a DVD copy and uploaded in PSP format (thank you jasonangel!). In my overall assessment, from a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, I could say, I rate this movie 7 out of 10. Maybe the rating would be different if I had the chance to watch that movie with someone in the cinemas but that's a different topic :p

The story is a typical rags-to-riches story, huge money inherited from the last will and testament of a dying father and the step sisters hating you because you are "not part of the original family". And there is your male lead role who was used to the finer things in life and then suddenly lost everything because of his parent who did something foolish (say, graft and corruption), including yes, his girlfriend.

While watching the movie, it made me stop to think and thank  GOD for all the blessings that have happened to me during the past 6 years. I can relate to the situation when everything was taken away from you. I experienced how to be penniless and worst, to eat small meals if none one meal a day. And also to lose your girlfriend that fast for reasons I don't care to try to understand anymore (what happened to forever and ever? LOL). The movie made me realize and taught me a valuable lesson. I can be happy with what I got, however small or big they are. So now, I am on my way to recovery and was very blessed to have true family and friends that supported me all the way. So now, I have a job, a good team, a great set of true friends and most important of all, a loving family who supports you all the way through.

What else could I ask for? Oh yeah, a special someone would be nice!

A line from the movie:
"Kapag malakas ang ulan at wala kang payong, sumilong ka muna. Kung wala kang masisilungan, i-enjoy mo na lang ang ulan. Kasi, king hindi mo i-eenjoy ang ulan, nabasa ka na nga, mainit pa ang ulo mo."

So it says, be happy with whatever comes your way, weather good or bad. It's like you can do anything if it rains (at least find a temporary shelter if you don't have an umbrella), so might as well enjoy the rain or you will end up miserable and nobody would care at your misfortune.

And I totally agree!

Happy Weekend to all!

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)