Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sportsfest - 06272010

I came to the venue a little late (missed all 1st games), I was hoping to catch them all and get some pictures but anyway, I'll have to make do with what I've got. So, it was another good Sunday for the Green Team. Volleyball Men's and Women's swept the eliminations, unfortunately, basketball Junior's lost the no-bearing game to the blue team (they will meet again in the knockout round).

Photos above: The Volleyball Women's team before the game and Tito, Vic and Joey (Me, Jeff and John Paul - it's up to you to identify who is who) enjoying the event early Sunday morning.

Back to the topic. As mentioned earlier, both Volleyball Teams assured Number One spot and the right to face the "weaker" team (team standing - wise). If both teams win on Sunday, they will go straight to the championship round.


The Basketball Juniors played a no-bearing game against the blue squad and lost. They will meet again in the knockout round next week for all the marbles and the right to play in the championship round. The team finished the elimination round as number 4.

Some pictures of the juniors team in action.

Basketball seniors are already done and was "demoted" to number 2 spot due to the loss of the Yellow team today. Had the Yellow Team won, we will be number 1 and will face the "weaker" team (again, team standing - wise). Well, I don't care who we are facing next round, I am just happy to advance. I was in a team last year that went winless so I'm taking this opportunity.

Other scenes today:
Yellow versus Blue (Volleybal Women's), no-bearing game as well, they will meet again in the knockout round.
Blue team celebrating after the victory.

Yellow versus Blue (Basketball Seniors), with Yellow Team's loss, they've set up another match against our team for the right to play in the championship round.

Other senior basketball game result - I was told that Red Team defeated White Team (seniors) to advance in the knockout round. They will face the Blue squad.

For more pictures, please check out the Sportsfest'10 album in may facebook profile. I would like to apologize, I just stuffed everything in there.

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)