Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Friday, March 8, 2019

Celebrate Philippines’ Rich Culture And Traditions With Festival Run

It’s More Fun in the Philippines!

We don’t just offer world-class travel destinations, but festivals like no other. In fact, traditionally, we are known to be Capital of the World’s Festivities! Now, you don’t have to book a trip to enjoy what’s proudly Pinoy. Come and join us this upcoming Festival Run on March 10, 2019 at Liwasang Ulalim, CCP Complex. This is a fundraising event of St. Jude Catholic School (SJCS) Batch 1994 in partnership with RED Sports by RED Entertainment.

All Here And More

This unique gathering will feature various colorful celebrations across the country. You name it! Every pit stop will showcase a famous festival: Aklan’s Ati-Atihan, Bacolod’s MassKara, and Cebu’s Sinulog. Now there’s an absolute fun in your run! Additionally, about 5,000 runners will be wearing costumes with show-stopping performances.

Meanwhile, if you’re not into running, we still got you covered. Dance to the beat with our zumba that feels more like a party than a workout. 

In fact, other exciting activities are in store for the participants like a kid’s activity Viva Sto. Nino Drawing Contest, Masskara Making Contest, and the Ati-Atihan Dance Craze.

Be on the lookout for the finale show to end things worthy of a bang!

See you there, tons of prizes await you!

On the other hand, Judenites Festival Run is open to everyone who wants to experience the beauty of the Philippines. Not to mention, different categories are available to suit your taste. This includes 1k, 3k, 5k, and 10k with the following inclusions respectively:

Through this event, we want to promote camaraderie, brotherhood, and unity wherever and whoever we are. More importantly, we want you to enjoy!

Are you ready? For in-store registration, you can visit any Ideal Vision Branches in Festival Mall, SM Mall of Asia, SM Manila, SM North EDSA, SM Makati, and SM Megamall.

Likewise, you can register online at

In the meantime, for more updates, follow the official Facebook page at

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)