Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Monday, October 1, 2018

The Itchyworms Return to Singapore to Scratch an Itch

Photography: Mykehl Casem (Myktography)

It  has  been  almost  a  decade  since  The  Itchyworms  performed  in  the  city-state  of Singapore. The  now-iconic  Marina Bay Sands was still under construction, for one, and Universal Studios was probably still in blueprints.


The last time the band was there in 2008, they performed in a double bill with Marcus Adoro. First, to serve as his backup band, playing songs from his seminal solo album, Markus Highway, and  second,  to  play  their  own  songs.  The  night  ended  in  an  epic  extended  jam  on  old Eraserheads songs.
The  years  have  only  made  the  band’s  wanderlust    itch,  to  borrow  from  their  name    for Singapura that much more insistent. The hunger for the hawker holy grail that is authentic laksa is quite real, and so is the thirst for performing in front of new audiences, such as Singapore’s music-loving folk, whether expats or locals.
Now,  the  band  will  finally  get  to  scratch  their decade-old itch for Singapore! The Itchyworms have partnered with the awesome people of Pinoy-powered events group Requiem Rising SG, to  bring  you  an  extraordinary  one-night  only  musical  experience. On  November 3,  all paths lead to Hero’s Bar. Whether your hankering is for food, drink, or really good music, it’s sure to be satisfied

Presenters: The Itchyworms and Requiem Rising SG
When: 03 November 2018
Where: Hero’s Bar, 69 Circular Road (Boat Quay Area)
What Time: Doors open at 6PM
Front Acts: Pinoy Indie groups Samzara and Liger will open for The Itchyworms

(Reserved seating. With meet and greet after soundcheck and performance)
Regular: SGD 30 470 North Bridge Road, #05-11 Bugis Cube
Iskina Cebu: Timbre+, 73A Ayer Rajah Crescent
#Sylog: Tampines Mall, 4th Floor, Kopitiam Food Court, 4 Tampines Central 5

Reservations and Inquiries
SMS: +65 8468-7155 or +65 9836-7120.

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)