KOG Chief Executive Officer Jong-won Lee has announced that the number of pre-registrations for the real-time RPG Grand Chase – Dimensional Chaser, has reached more than 100K in the Philippines.
On June 23rd, GrandChase – Dimensional Chaser was introduced for the first time in the Philippines through a Press Conference held in Marco Polo Hotel.
"It was a great opportunity to feel the love of the gamers in the Philippines and it was the reason why KOG strove to launch the game in the country as soon as possible." - Rafael HS Noh, Director of KOG
From L-R: Romulo Reyes, Managing Director ELITE GAMES; Rafael HS Noh, Director, KOG; Matthew Park, Product Manager, ELITE GAMES took turns in answering the questions from the media last June 23 in a Press Conference held in Marco Polo Hotel
Thanks to the accomplishment of 100K pre-registrations in the Philippines, all the users who participated would be able to receive monthly rewards of check-in the game such as S Rank Hero Package, 200,000 Gold, 3,000 Prana, and ★3 Monster Card x 10.
GrandChase – Dimensional Chaser is an official sequel to the hit online game Grand Chase and it has been produced by the Original Grand Chase Online Development team. It inherits the original game’s spirit and was released in January in Korea. Since the launch in Korea, it had achieved the top game in the Apple App Store and Top 2 of Google Play Store, and GrandChase – Dimensional Chaser will be be released through it’s local publishing partner, Elite Games.
If you want to participate in the pre-registration for GrandChase – Dimensional Chaser, go to the official website - https://www.grandchase.net/event1.
Events on Facebook may be checked on https://www.facebook.com/GC.Mobile.PH

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