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Monday, November 23, 2015

Asian Hospital and Medical Center: Brain Wellness Center Launch and a Primer on Dementia, its Symptoms and Risk Reduction

Last November 9, 2015, Asian Hospital and Medical Center launched The Brain Wellness Center. ("The Only Brain Wellness in the South"The Brain Wellness Center is an integrated, patient-centered facility that will provide care, from prevention to early recognition and management for general brain health and various brain disorder and one of which is Dementia.

The aim of this wellness center is to be the center of excellence in providing care for cognitive disorders from prevention to early recognition  and management in the communities they serve.

The Asian Hospital Brain Wellness Center's roster of specialists includes adult neurologist, neurosurgeons, pediatric neurologists, rehabilitation medicine specialists, physical and occupational therapists, nutritionist, psychologists and psychometricians. As of the moment, here is the roster of specialists for the Brain Wellness Center:

  • Madeleine Grace M. Sosa, MD | Chairperson, Department of Neurosciences
  • Ana Marie A. Javelosa, MD | Head, Brain Wellness Center
  • Alvin Rae F. Cenina, MD | Head, Memory Wellness
  • Maria Corazon I. Fernandez, MA, MEd | Clinical Psychologist
  • Anna Marie Fatima M. Cootauco, PTRP | Senior Manager, Brain Wellness Center
  • Minnie Joy V. Tumagan, RPm | Psychometrician, Brian Wellness Center

Here are some photos of the launch:

Dr. Madeleine Grace Sosa, Chairman of Neuroscience Department introducing the Brain Wellness Center

Dr. Shirard Adiviso, Director of Ancillary Services

Dr. Alvin Rae Cenina, Head, Memory Wellness Program discussing the Memory Wellness Program and Packages currently being offered

The Brain Wellness Center Logo unveiling to cap off the launch

About the Brain Wellness Center Logo

The Brain Wellness Center logo is made up of three vital elements:
  • The Human Head - The Brain Wellness Center logo is primarily represented by the human head where the brain is located. This conveys Center's area of expertise and focus of wellness and healing.
  • The Colorful and Fruitful Tree - The tree depicted here as the human brain conveys the Center's primary goal of keeping its natural vitality and vibrancy. The multi-colored leaves is a representations of the brains multi-faceted functions and capabilities that when kept healthy, it will continue to be at its peak, allowing the individual to be at its best in performing his/her daily vital functions.
  • The Chrysanthemum - The chrysanthemum known to symbolize fidelity, optimism, joy and long life is the official symbol of the Asian Hospital and Medical Center. It is positioned here side by side with the human head to depict AHMC'S over-all commitment to all its patients of providing a healthy, healing environment.

Specific Objectives of the Memory Wellness Program
  • Provide clientele with a place to maximize their cognitive potentials and decrease the risk of future cognitive decline
  • Be a referral center in the surrounding community for evaluation and assessment of cognitive impairment
  • Provide comprehensive care for patients with cognitive disorders and their families

Memory Wellness Program Services

Diagnostic Packages
  • Memory Screen Panel: Set of routine blood tests in memory evaluation
  • Vascular Risk Screening: Set of blood tests to screen for lifestyle diseases that affect the brain
  • MRI Dementia Screening Protocol: Plain Brain MRI for memory evaluation
  • NeuroCognitive Screening: Memory evaluation & testing with a Dementia specialist and Clinical Psychologist
  • Comprehensive Package: All of the above with additional EEG and free repeat basic testing in 6 months

Therapeutic Services
  • Memory Wellness Management Package
    • Group or Solo package
    • Needs-based and person-centered approach
    • Patient and Caregiver well-being
    • Multi disciplinary
      • Dementia / Neurology
      • Psychiatry
      • Clinical Psychology
      • Rehabilitation (PT, OT, SP)
      • Nutrition

How to Make an Appointment:
To make an appointment for consultation or screening at Brain Wellness Center, kindly please call: Tel. No. (632) 771-9000 local 8444.

All consultation and screening is by: Monday to Friday at 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

4th Floor, Lifestyle Medicine Center, Tower 1
Asian Hospital and Medical Center
2205 Civic Drive, Filinvest City, Alabang, Muntinlupa
E-mail Address:

A Primer on Dementia, Symptoms and Risk Reduction

Dementia is NOT part of normal aging, although as a person ages, the risk of dementia increases. Is not a specific disease, but an overall term used to describe a set of symptoms involved in the decline of mental ability.

Dementia is progressive and occurs because there is degeneration of brain function, which eventually affects daily activities such as work, hobbies, shopping, cooking, grooming, eating and toileting.

36 million people around the world are estimated to have dementia.
One in nine people aged 65 and older has dementia.

Dr. Alvin Rae Cenina, Head, Memory Wellness Program explaining about Dementia

Dr. Alvin Rae Cenina, Head, Memory Wellness Program explaining about Dementia

Dementia  is an umbrella term describing a variety of diseases and conditions that develop when the nerve cells in the brain (called neurons) die or no longer function normally.

10 Common Symptoms of Dementia:
  • Recent memory loss that affects job performance
  • Difficulty performing familiar tasks
  • Problems with language
  • Disorientation to time and place
  • Poor or decreased judgement
  • Problems with abstract thinking
  • Misplacing things
  • Changes in personality
  • Loss of initiative
  • Behavioral changes

Risk Reduction:
There way that we can reduce the risk here is what you can do NOW!

  1. Look after your Heart: What’s good for the heart will be good for your brain. Manage Lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Obesity and Smoking.
  2. Be Physically Active: Move! Walk, Run and challenge those muscles.
  3. Follow a Healthy Diet: Eat more of the good stuff. Fruits, vegetables, fiber and other similar ones.
  4. Challenge Your Brain: Once in a while, try to learn something new
  5. Enjoy Social Activities: Emotional well-being, avoid stress, think positive, go out and see friends and family

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

When men obey God, is it just an inconsequential act or does it produce a result?

Does obeying Jesus result in a positive outcome?

Hebrews 5:8-9 Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. 9 And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation. (NASB)

If you disobey Jesus, then obviously He is not your source for salvation.

Faith only proponents say water baptism is act of obedience, but that baptism is unnecessary to receiving salvation.

Mark 16:16 He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.(NASB)

If obedience to God was not essential to salvation, then Jesus would have said you are saved, now obey by believing and being baptized in water. Believing is an act of obedience, just as is water baptism.

Acts 16:31 They said "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...(NASB)

Believing is an act of obedience. Men are saved as a result of believing. Salvation does not precede obeying God. Salvation follows obedience to God.

Romans 10:16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, "Lord who has believed our report?"(NKJV)

Believing the gospel is an act of obedience.

Not believing the gospel is an act of disobedience.

2 Thessalonians 1:8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NKJV)
2 Thessalonians 1:8 bringing judgement on those who do not wish to know God, and who refuses to accept his plan to save themthrough our Lord Jesus Christ. (The Living Bible---Paraphrased)

Refusing to accept God's plan of salvation brings vengeance.


1. They obey by believing. (John 3:16) Believing is an act of obedience.
2. They obey by repenting. (Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19) Repentance is an act of obedience.
3. They obey by confession. (Romans 10:9-10, Acts 8:37) Confession is an act of obedience.
4. They obey by being immersed in water. (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:21, Acts 22:16) Being baptized in an act of obedience.

Salvation is subsequent to obeying the gospel.
Salvation follows being obedient to God terms for pardon.
Salvation occurs after submitting yourself to the New Covenant terms of forgiveness from sins.


Being obedient to the gospel is not keeping the Law of Moses.

Being obedient to the gospel is not a good deed.

Being obedient to the gospel is not a meritorious act.

Being obedient to the gospel is not earning salvation.

Being obedient to the gospel does not mean that we are not saved because of God's grace.



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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)