Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Sunday, July 5, 2015

You_Source: Your Software Built Right, on Time, on Budget, All the Time

When you think of a software development company, you most likely think of a bunch of nerds coding away in the dark with headsets on that are so big they cover the entire head of the programmer. You most likely think that these guys have no personality and can only speak in binary codes. Most likely, you think that they are the less cool version of the guys in Big Bang Theory.

The guys at You_Source could not be further from the truth. You_Source provides a fun and conducive environment to its employees. The CEO, Alain Franchimon, understands that happy workers are the best workers and so every Monday morning, he brings something fun to meetings and every Friday afternoon, people gather around and bond with each other. He also maintains an open door policy which leads to communications remaining constantly open amongst everyone. 

From their website
"We pick the right people, tools and equipment for the job. Our methodologies together with well designed, written and extensively tested software cater for change, fast feedback and real-time insight in quality and progress. We speak C#, Ruby, Objective C, Java, R, Typescript, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and a few dialects of SQL.

We believe that collective ownership is key to successful software. We care as much for your code as you do. We're not just software developers. We are a team of enthusiastic, social, helpful, passionate and highly skilled individuals, who are eager to take on new challenges."

For anyone interested in having their software built right, on time, on budget, all the time, You_Source is the company for you.

They will not work for you, they will work with you.

To contact You_Source
P: +63 (0)2 553 2465

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)