Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Monday, June 15, 2015

Living the Good Life at the Ortigas Center

Living in a metropolitan area could be quite overwhelming for most people. Be it the tortuous traffic jams during rush hour or the rat race involved in the morning commute, these are just some of the things in the daily metropolis life that could leave you stressed and/or drained.

That is why most people would prefer living in a location that minimizes the stress from the fast-paced life in the metro without having to compromise productivity for leisure. Look no further as that ideal location exists in the heart of Manila – the Ortigas Center!

The now booming financial and central business district was formerly a part of the Hacienda de Mandaloyon of the Augustinian Order which was eventually sold to the company that became the Ortigas & Company, Limited Partnership

Regardless if you’re a young and talented professional or somebody who’s already settled and enjoying the family life, Metro Manila’s second most important business district houses everything you could ever look for in an ideal location as it strikes the perfect balance between work and leisure. Home to office skyscrapers, shopping malls, restaurants and educational institutions, there is no doubt that the Ortigas Center is the place to be.

Want to start living the good life now but haven’t found an apartment in Ortigas yet? No need to worry as Rent Ortigas is here to assist you in finding your new home in a simpler, faster and safer way.

Whether you are looking for a bed space for rent or an apartment for rent in Ortigas, simply go online and access our website via to view our full listings of properties up for rent. From there, we will securely connect you with the unit owners, brokers and landlords and help you seal the deal.

If you can’t find anything yet on our current property listing or still looking around, get instant updates on new properties via our Facebook page (

Start looking at our available wide selection of properties today and live the good life at the Ortigas Center. Inquire us now to make a reservation.

About Rent Ortigas
Rent Ortigas is here to assist you in the quest of finding that perfect place to call ‘home’ near the heart of the Ortigas Center.

The team of Mirai D3sign Inc. created this user-friendly online rental marketplace to make house hunting more convenient for those looking for a new place to call "home" – regardless if you are looking for a bed space for rent or an apartment for rent in Ortigas. This online service shall enable you to view the wide selection of available and affordable living spaces for rent. Not only that, we will also help you connect with the unit owners, brokers and landlords without having to about the authenticity and security of the postings.

If you can’t find anything on our current selections, no need to worry! Rent Ortigas comes with a feature that will notify you of the new listings of bed space for rent and/or apartment for rent in Ortigas in an instant.

Sign up with us now and make your dream apartment in Ortigas a reality.

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)