Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Thursday, October 16, 2014

ZAP Philippines: Rewards System Revolutionized

Before you say "Another rewards card?", try to consider the word "CashBack".

Let that sink in for a while. What if you can earn while eating out?

Yes. That's right. Now how about this, Get 5% to 20% CashBack at your favorite establishments just by using your mobile number.

That's music to everyone's ears.

ZAP Philippines will change the way you think about rewards system. ZAP is a cross between a rewards card and a loyalty program. So basically, you spend an X amount and earn back a percentage of that amount using a registered mobile number. You then can redeem points when you buy anything from any of over 450 establishments (and growing) where ZAP is honored.

Take this for an example: You buy sneakers at Adidas for 3,000.00 pesos. You get 5% CashBack points (that would be 150.00 pesos) by typing your mobile number into the ZAP terminal. You can then enjoy a milk tea at Happy Lemon using the points that you earn after you got a new sneaker.

Here is a photo of a ZAP terminal. You will only need to key in your mobile number and your pin code and you're all set. ZAP card is optional. Earning your CashBack has never been this convenient.

ZAP's merchant's include restaurants, bars, gadget stores, fitness centers, spas, salons and movies. You can check out the list of merchants by category by clicking at this LINK.

Here is a snapshot of the merchants list page. Zap also has a "Jackpot"

Aside from earning CashBack points, ZAP also has a jackpot. This is another innovation from ZAP. For every transaction that passes through the ZAP terminal in the Merchant's store, ZAP allocates a certain portion to the ZAP Jackpot. The more people that use ZAP in the establishment, the higher the Jackpot prize will be! Afterwards, the jackpot goes to the highest spender at each establishment on a monthly basis. With ZAP, you are not only "spearning" (spending and earning) but you are also giving yourself chances to earn a lot more while enjoying shopping or dining out or watching a movie.

Here is a snapshot of my dashboard. I registered for FREE at Blogapalooza :)

Just by registering for FREE, I also got a nice discount from Yakitori One and enjoyed my dinner before I went home after attending Blogapalooza. Thanks a lot ZAP!

But wait, there's more! Maximize your ZAP by regularly checking out the coupons tab when you are logged in your account. Get more out of your ZAP. Grab coupons that you want depending on their availability.

From my initial experience of using ZAP, here is what I can say:

  • Versatility. All you need is to register your mobile number and set a pin code and you're good to go. The ZAP platform is so versatile that it does not need cards, smartphones or the mobile application. All you need is a registered mobile number to start earning points.
  • Value for money. See my Adidas purchase example above.
  • Accessibility. Over 450 partner merchants.
  • Bonus add on. Monthly jackpots for the highest spender at each establishment. You give yourself a chance to win the monthly jackpot while you enjoy "spearning".
  • Growth. Your favorite merchant is not in the current list? No worries, you can suggest that to ZAP.

Now that you have an overview of how rewarding having a ZAP account is, now is the time to register your own for FREE. To register, kindly use this referral link and get 50 ZAP points to get you started. Happy "spearning"

For regular updates about ZAP, like their Facebook Page and follow their Twitter (@ZapTagPH) and Instagram (@ZapTagPH) accounts. 

For frequently asked questions, please visit:!/how-it-works/faq

"Spearning". I like that.

Monday, October 13, 2014

RunReal Goes to Blogapalooza 2014

Before I begin, here is a brief description of the event. Blogapalooza is a link between big and small businesses who have something cool to share and the online community of people who love to share. In a gist, bloggers through their blog-sites has become a very inexpensive mode of advertisement. With TV, Radio and Print Ads, blogs offer a very inexpensive advertising approach because once the blog entry is published, it will stay online practically for as long as the site exists. Blogs nowadays are included in the results returned in search engines. To know more about the event, click HERE.

Since this is my first time to attend the event (the event is running on its third year, where am I all those first two years?), I am entitle to commit some boo-boos here and there. Later in this post, I will also list some things I need to prepare next year. Here are some highlights of my first Blogapalooza Experience:

I made sure that I arrive early. When I came, only few bloggers and their plus ones are in the event. That gave me a chance to roam around freely and visit booths with ease. SMX Convention Center at SM Aura gave enough room for booths, activities and demo.

The entrance looks nice. I'm ready for the day.

My welcome kit. This came with a newspaper from Manila Bulletin.

And of course, a selfie at the Blogapalooza photo wall after registration.

After registration, I wasted no time to check out different booths. I was like a kid released in a huge playground with toys and I am confused what toy I should play. Anyway, I stumbled upon the AMPR booth. They are responsible for bringing in Uniqlo in the country. I got some materials and played a modern version of the boggle. It was a nice way to begin the day.

Pictured in the tarpaulin are some of the brands they work with.

I had to think quick and rearrange the red cubes that contain letters to form a word within a minute. My score: A pitiful six points. I could have done better but there's always a first time for everything.

Next booth I visited is the Chooks-To-Go booth. They had a kwelavan which employs a similar game play of the Kinect by XBox. At first, I was hesitant to try the game but for the sake of experience, I did it anyway. I was glad that I tried because I won one whole roasted chicken! Second booth and this? What an awesome way to start the event.

The Chooks-to-Go booth flocked by bloggers

My winnings early on. One whole roasted chicken and a discount voucher from Chooks-to-Go.

It was nice to win outright from the Chooks-To-Go booth. My next stop is the Zap booth. This is a rewards system partnered with a lot of establishments. Got a chance to sign up for free and get my own reward card afterwards. Got registered using my mobile phone only. How convenient.

This is the ZAP tap machine where I registered. Very convenient as there is a scanner under the tablet.

I also visited the Globe booth wherein I learned a couple of new services they offer. How's a cloud storage sound? That would be nice. I won a stuffed toy too.

The Acer booth offers promising mobile products that are competitively priced. We all associate Acer with desktop computers and laptops. Now, they are making a strong push to give consumers another option in terms of mobile devices - tablets and smartphones. Looks like the new models of Acer smartphones and tablets will be part of my Christmas wishlist, that would compliment my Acer laptop.

I want that 10" tablet and 5" smartphone for Christmas! These devices will definitely compliment my Acer laptop.

Got some free items from Acer too. Still waiting for my photo to be published online :)

The Skycable booth is amazing. I learned some new channels and programs and what value for money services they offer. Just like what Vince Golangco said at the event, "Once you go HD, you will never go back"

The Krispy Kreme booth gave me a chance to design my own doughnut. Since I didn't have the skills to come up with a good design, I just put everything my hands can get hold of. Anyway, the experience is nice. Preparing doughnuts is not as easy as I imagine.

Since I am a pasta lover, I had to drop by the booth of House of Lasagna. Tried out their samples and I can safely say that this is the best lasagna I tasted so far. I was happy to discover this brand.

Best lasagna I tasted

What caught my attention is the Authority Hoodie booth. Custom hoodies? I'm sold. I always wanted a Spider-Man or a Captain America hoodie. Looks like my wishes and dreams will finally come true. I also had a chance for a photo-op with Bogart The Explorer at this very booth.

I want a Spider-Man, Captain America, and Wolverine hoodie.
Can someone make my wish come true? 

Long-lost brother?

I had a blast. Thanks to and for the opportunity to experience Blogapalooza. I learned a lot of things. Got some stuff to keep me busy writing and publishing online and more importantly, brought me closer to big and small businesses. Definitely worth my vacation leave.

Let's push for a free WiFi connection in the Philippines!

That's it! This year's Blogapalooza has concluded. It was a nice experience for a first-timer like me. I'm still overwhelmed with the experience and I'm already thinking of the event next year. Anyway, here are some things I need to work on for the next Blogapalooza:
  • Come to the venue before the doors open. I arrived around 20 minutes past 10:00am and it helps when you are early while there are only a few people. Not too crowded to move from one booth to another. Also, this would mean more samples to try.
  • Wear comfortable footwear. I had to sit down and rest my feet from all the walking I did the whole day. I wore my Sandugo sandals on that day but I guess, a better footwear is needed next year.
  • Get ahead. Knowing the participating sponsors and booths, expect that in this age of social networking, all you needed is a Facebook like, a follow at Instagram and Twitter to get you to participate with their games and get some sample giveaways. To like and follow, prior to event day gives advantage as well. Just show that you already liked and/or followed their official pages and you're good.
  • Mobile Internet. Having two SIM cards is an advantage here. If one mobile internet connection is off, I can immediately switch to another. Live blogging can also merit you some prizes given that the proper hash tags are used. Yes, globe provided free internet access but after lunch, it was really hard to be online via the event WiFi connection due to the number of users. It still is good to have your own uninterrupted access.
  • Extra power. Being online for almost the entire day will definitely drain your battery. An extra battery or mobile power bank is definitely a necessity when you plan to stay until the closing moments of the event.
  • Calling Cards. Saves time to fill up forms for blogger information. Some booths have a small fishbowl where you can drop your calling card. Serves as a raffle entry too.
  • Food and Water. While samples of some snacks are being handed out, it still is nice to have a bottle of water ready anytime.
  • Pay attention. With all the things happening at every booth and raffle prizes given a any time, paying attention to announcements will go a long way. I almost missed out a prize announcement from Sky Cable.
  • Post updates through social media. Some of the prizes require posts with the official hash tags to merit a prize. This is one day that is acceptable to post updates in social media regularly throughout the day. You'll never know when a prize is drawn.
More photos can be seen at my Tumblr blog. Please check it out. Will be very busy in the next few weeks writing about several brands and the products and services they offer.

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)