Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Weekend Warrior
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Gerry's Grill Episode

April 1, 2011, Gerry's Grill, Alabang Town Center

First and foremost, we would like to thank our ride, the A+ Van for taking us to ATC and bringing us back to AMDATEX safe and sound.

We, the NNC AMDATEX Management Team was scheduled to have dinner with our onshore counterparts namely Debra and Claudia. Dinner proper is scheduled at around 7:00 PM, the place, Gerry's Grill in Alabang Town Center, a mall nearby our working place. A table was reserved for 13 people beforehand. Everything is all set!!!

Some shots in the van going to ATC:

Sally and Blands

Yours Truly

Another Sally and Blands Shot

Around 6:30 PM, we arrived to the place to meet Debra and Claudia, we got a nice, long table reserved. Meet and greet, short conversations, Claudia, finally meeting Sally, Blands and Kathy.

Since everyone is busy, I took liberty in taking some shots of what we had, for documentation purposes. Here is what we had that dinner:

Chicaron, fresh from the stove (I leasrned that this is Cristina's favorite!)
Left: Sisig
Upper Right: Dynamite (last piece)
My plate: Crispy Beef Shreds

I don't know what is this, Beef Stew and Melted Cheese on top?

Bottomless Iced Tea to get everything down

"Fired" Chicken, yes it's fried but when I ate this, I was on fire!

Scallops (I don't know about Ruby and Paul but for me, these are good!)

Sweet endings! Leche Flan to end the dinner.

Not in Picture: Laing, Crispy Pata and Vegetables

Got to eat a lot, stories here and there, more food. There was a WiFi connection hosted by Gerry's Grill but for some reason, even though we were provided with the password, we were not able to connect. Tough luck.

After eating so much (at least from my point of view!), its time to take some memories. Picture time! After it is all said and done, after the smoke has cleared, here it goes:

Everyone looks tired and happy from eating

Ruby and Claudia

From farthest up to front:
Blands (not looking), Kathy (Looking elsewhere) Chris, Debra and Joemin

Paul and Claudia

The Power Four (All smiles)
Front: Claudia, Sally and Mheleth
Back: Nevermind (j/k) Analaine "Commissioner" Ogayon

Claudia and Sally

Debra and Joemin

Paul, Claudia and Commissioner Ogayon

Sally is not looking!


Photo taken just before we began dinner

After dinner, we had a short stroll to the mall's activity center, of course, we would not want to pass the opportunity for another round of photo shoot and that is how we went on while letting the food we took settle in. More pictures, more fun!

Analaine appears lost in the Clipper store; Claudia and Joemin striking a pose

Who is that lady over Claudia's shoulder? Scene stealer, that's who she was!

Claudia and Mheleth loving the moment

Paul and Claudia and an unknown black image (paranormal activity 3?)

And the black image transformed into Chris!
Chris, Paul and Claudia once again, once more

The Happy Bunch

Claudia and Sally

Claudia, Debra, Chris and Paul

Before going back to the office

Three Towers?

Paul, the official photographer :)

The happy bunch from another angle; all smiles :)

More smiles :)

Short meeting at the middle of the mall

"Final" group shot before we went back to the office

After the so-called photo shoot, it was time to head back to the office and return back to "normal". I was happy that we all got to spend a meal together with the NNC Family (at least a portion of the growing family) and was hoping for more stuff like this. We'll see. Anyway, as always, I was told by one of my mentors, "It's not the food, it's the bonding."

Speaking of food, one picture to remember while in the van returning to AMDATEX facility. Me and the famous take-home food.

June's food, do not open

Stolen moment:
Claudia and Chindy at the office.

Of course, Cindy is part of NNC Team's colorful history, taking care of the open order team before

More bonding moments for the NNC Family! Wherever we may be at one time!

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Online Gamer, Basketball Player, Mountaineer, Recreational Runner, Blogger, Comedian, Weekend Warrior, part-time TriAthlete (Kain, Tulog, Gala)